Facts & Allegations

$4,064,369.30 – Ryan et al. v. Home Depot


Joseph Ryan and Eric Leber v. Home Depot, Inc., et al. (Case Nos. 37-2009-00071001-CU-PO-CTL; and 37-2009-00065247-CU-PO-CTL)


Superior Court of San Diego


December 4, 2009

Facts and Allegations:

Joey Ryan and Eric Leber were both burned during a backyard bonfire when a guest used remote control car fuel to ignite the bon fire in the barbecue pit manufactured by Landman USA, and sold by Home Depot, Inc.  Hogue and Belong successfully obtained $600,000 in settlement from some of the defendants and a judgment of $3,464,369.30 against one of the defendants.