
Real Estate Fraud San Diego Attorney


Real Estate Fraud San Diego Attorney | Hogue & Belong Law

Case:   Andrews v. David Ascher II, individually; Liquid Pride   Marketing, Inc.; Keith Rosenberg, individually; and Windsor Capital Mortgage Corporation (Case No. INC 066105)

Court:  Superior Court of Riverside County, Indio

Judge(s): H. Morgan Dougherty

Date:   April 2008

Result: $669,000

Facts & Allegations

David Samuel Ascher II could not qualify to buy a home.  So, Mr. Ascher II, along with loan officer, Keith Rosenberg of Windsor Capital Mortgage Corporation, induced Linda Andrews to purchase two high end homes in Indio.  Mr. Ascher II promised to make all of the monthly mortgage payments.

Mr. Rosenberg and David Samuel Ascher II fraudulently qualified Mrs. Andrews for loans that she should have not qualified.   Specifically, Mr. Rosenberg and David Samuel Ascher II told her to sign a blank application, and then proceeded to fill out the loan application with false information.  When the lender called to verify Ms. Andrews’ employment, Mr. Rosenberg was on the other line, and he verified false information for Ms. Andrews.

Mr. Ascher did not make the monthly mortgage payments, so the bank foreclosed on both homes, causing Ms. Andrews with severe credit damage, and emotional distress. learn more

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