
Class Action wage Hour Legal Services San Diego

CaseCarralero et al. v. Sharp Healthcare, et al. (Case No. 37-2012-37-2012-00093623-CU-OE-CTL) San Diego CLASS ACTION (Wage & Hour) Legal Services

Court: Superior Court of San Diego

Judges: Timothy B. Taylor

Date: August 22, 2014

Recovery: Hogue & Belong obtained a total settlement of $1,825,000 against Sharp Healthcare for the class members.

Facts and Allegations

Sharp Healthcare is one of the biggest hospitals and one of the largest employers in San Diego County.

In Carralero v. Sharp, Plaintiffs successfully certified a class of approximately 5,000 employees for claims regarding unlawful wage statements and unlawful Alternative Workweek Schedules (“AWS”).  Specifically, Plaintiffs alleged Sharps’ wage statements violated California Labor Code section 226 because it had a line item of pay entitled, “RETRO” but failed to include any other information to help the employee figure out how “RETRO” pay was calculated.  Further, Plaintiffs alleged Sharp’s AWS policy violated the California Wage Orders in that it failed to comply with minimum voting and notice requirements mandated by the applicable Wage Order.   Plaintiffs successfully obtained class certification allowing the case to move forward as a class action, and the case settled and was approved by the Court. learn more

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